
Friday, October 10, 2008

His Strength is Perfect

Well, not much has changed with my mom. She is still waiting to get out of ICU. She had some more blood infusions last night because her wounds keep draining blood. They think it is just the organs seeping blood from being bruised. Pray that is all that it is! My dad just told me that her incision is 11 ins long- that is pretty much her entire mid-section. I can't imagine the pain! Pray for her as they are making her move and use those muscles. My family has been able to get off work to stay with her; for that I am glad.

As far as life in is the same still. I am living with this Kosovar family until next Tuesday. It has been a good month of learning the culture and a little of the language, but I am ready to have my own house and get a little more stability and structure to my life. It has been hard to live out of a suitcase for 2 months and not be able to do my own laundry or cooking. God has taught me a lot about independence! I will blog more on the lessons He has been teaching me at a later time. Thank you again for your prayers and your emails. God has used them to encourage me so much during this time!

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