
Monday, May 25, 2009

Lovin' Spring!

Now that it is Spring, we can take our kids outside to play. I much prefer this to flocking to the woodstove to keep warm!
Which team can drink the cup of water the fastest?

Run, run, run!!!

Being silly- OUTSIDE!

About to yell at the boys for stabbing each
other with the straws! :-0
I love our kids, but I love them a lot better outside, in the wide open space, than in the small meeting room! :-)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New Mercies

This morning I was woken up by the 4am call to prayer from the mosque right down the road. I've had a lot on my mind and heart lately, so once I was awake, my brain began to take off running at high speed. There was no chance of dozing off again. So, I reluctantly put my feet on the floor and trekked out to the living room. Here's what I found awaiting me out the door:

You know, sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in the struggles, burdens, and difficulties of life. We don't stop to remember...Wasn't that, after all, the problem with the Israelites? They were stuck in an endless cycle of doing out of habit, with no heart and no rememberance. How I loathe, with all my heart, becoming like that. But I do it! Probably every day.
Today God gently called to me- speaking through His beauty- "hey, I AM here. don't forget ME. I AM holding you. these things you wage against aren't too big for ME. I AM the one who paints the sky each morning, even when you don't see it. I AM the one who makes the trees to bud and flourish. I AM the one who sprinkles the earth with dew each morning. I AM the one casts light into the world filled with shadows and darkness...I AM!"
May we not forget who it is that holds us and who it is that grants mercies anew for each day; just like the coming of the dawn!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nathaniel & Karla

Just realized that I never put any pictures of my brother's wedding on here (it was back in March!). So, here you go: a peek at the wedding- yeah, that is all I got too... :-)
*They are small cuz I stole them off Karla's Facebook*

I heard it was beautiful and lots of fun.
They look amazing together in these pics!
So, here's to my bro and sis-in-law: Cheers!
May your journey together be blessed by
His presence each and every day.
May you love each other with sacrificial
"1 Corinthians 13" love always!
I love you and can't wait to hug
your necks when I come home!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Home is...

I feel pretty confident that almost anyone reading my blog can fill in that sentence I began in my title. Well, maybe it is just an American expression. So, for all you out there that don’t know, the saying goes like this: Home is where the heart is.

Lately I have been thinking a lot about that phrase. I find it immensely encouraging that it doesn’t say: Home is where you are comfortable or Home is where your family is or something else. “Home” is any place that God takes you and you CHOOSE to put your heart. I say choose, because a person can be miserable anywhere they are- even in the most ideal, cushy situation that others would love to have. It is like the difference between happiness and joy. Happiness is dependent upon what is surrounding you or what is happening. Joy is a choice of the heart to be content and cheerful no matter what is going on around you. Being at “home” somewhere isn’t dependent upon the circumstances, but rather upon the state of your heart.

I find it funny how this has played out in my life as of late. I look around and many times I despise where I live, the sin that abounds around me in the people and their choices, the weather, the difficulties, and the list could go on and on. But somehow, at the end of each and every day, I feel at home here. God has called me here, and this is where I have peace. Looking back on my life in America… The power didn’t cut off 3-4 times a day. I didn’t walk down the street and have everyone stare at me and say obscene things to me (actually I didn’t walk down the street at all usually). My water stayed running pretty much the entire year. I didn’t have to build a fire in a wood stove when the weather outside was below zero. I didn’t cook everything from scratch. I could speak the same language as pretty much everyone I encountered throughout the day. My family, friends, church, and other areas of support were a call or a short drive in the car away. I didn’t wear the same clothes day after day, month after month…Yet I was miserable! I didn’t belong there. For whatever reason, God made my heart restless and discontent. And so, here I am- halfway around the world. In a very uncomfortable country, doing very uncomfortable things, and feeling, well, very uncomfortable. And I am at home!

Now, that isn’t to say I always love it here or I am always happy. The honest truth is that I have sat down at this very computer, in this very spot on my couch, and wanted to write terrible things about this country, my work here, my team, or whatever was rubbing me the wrong way on that day, and put it on my blog. I felt miserable, and I wanted everyone to empathize with me. Thankfully God stopped me and walked me through whatever I needed to be walked through on that particular day. But even in those moments, I feel a small, quiet voice in my heart (it is often hard to hear as I am raging about different things). It gently says: “Hey, if you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you want to be?” (I ALWAYS get the same question- you’d think I’d learn!) And each time, I stop, quiet my heart, and answer: “Right here. This is where You’ve called me. This is where You’ve led me. This is where I have peace. And anywhere else I’d go right now would be out of Your will, and I would be utterly miserable.” It isn’t always glamorous. It isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always fun…but it is life. My life. My precious gift from my Creator, and how I long to honor Him with all of it.

“Wherever you are- be all there.”
-Jim Elliot

Maybe this quote can be encouraging to you...wherever you are today, doing whatever He's called you to do. May He give you the grace to indeed put your heart where your home is!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ohrid, Macedonia

Welcome to Macedonia:
a place where you can actually get pineapples on your Hawian pizza...see my joy!
An old church- beautiful!

A huge fruit/veggie market I found as I wandered about.

A beautiful castle that is being restored- that was super fun to trapse through.
I felt a bit like I was in Lord of the Rings!

Totally Europe! :-)

And there you have it:
Macedonia is a beautiful place!

*sorry the pictures are so small- I was lazy and borrowed a friend's camera and had her email them to me.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Village

I just had to name this one that, because that is the name of my church (and a really good movie). But this post is about the village I have been working in for a few months now each Sunday. It saw a lot of fighting during the war, and now there are many widows and very poor families living there. This time each week has become one of my most favorite things to do, and each of these kids has such a special place in my heart. So, come on...take a photo journey to: The Village!
Teaching how to play baseball.
Duck, Duck, Goose!
(cool picture!)

Run, Charlie, Run!
This boy is small, but fast.

Love the kids in the kids in the back!

Story time...on the rock pile!

One of my babies and his little brother.

Each time I go I feel like I am part of the Olympics or something- these girls are incredible!

Craft time- the kids loved this!

What we hope is becoming an active part of their hearts and lives!

Please join me in praying for each one of these sweet children. There is a lot they are all fighting against; they can use all the help they can get!