
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Forgotten and Abandoned?

Having lived in Kosova for over 1.5 years, my perspective on a lot of things has broadened, changed, and in many ways, been enriched. There's something about this place that grabs hold of your heart and won't let go. It isn't the endless litany of the mosques. I am pretty sure it isn't from the rounds of gunshots at sporadic times (into the air). It's not from the inquisitive or even provocative inquires that happen on the street or on visits. I am sure it's not from the mud and trash filled streets. Nor is it found in the power cuts, the undisciplined, rowdy children, the insane traffic, corruption around every turn, the harsh winters... I could actually make this list of "isn't's" quite long. Truly there are many things about this place that get under my skin, irritate the snot out of me, and drive me bonkers- to use a few American expressions. However, the list of why I love this place always is longer, thus the reason I remain in this interesting country; so full of backward things and broken ways.

While all these things listed above are true and could be coupled with dozens of other things, the heart of God dwells in the midst of this place. How great was the Father's love for us, that while we were yet backward, wayward, rebellious, broken, proud, sinful Americans, er...Kosovars, or maybe just people, He died for us! What a Truth to behold; and I get glimpses of this each day. I want to share a few of these glimpses from the recent weeks.

If you are at all familiar with Eastern Europe, then you have heard of the Roma, or as you probably refer to them: gypsies. They are the poor, the outcast, the socially rejected among European countries. We have a couple Roma villages nearby my city. Therefore, we have a number begging, driving their makeshift wagons pulled by their horses that are on their last leg, swimming in the fountain, digging through the trash bins, etc. Mostly they are ignored. They have their place in society, and usually that is to be left alone and to leave the other people alone. The children aren't allowed to attend school in many places, and in other places just socially rejected. Thus the vicious cycles perpetuates itself. But Oh How He Loves Them! Words can't describe how deep the Father's love is for these downcast, lonely people. As the women sit on the streets, voices raw from years of begging, years of weeping themselves to sleep each night, crying out in anguish as their husbands return yet again drunk and abusive. As children are thrust into a life of despair, taught their only worth is what they can bring in through begging, and slowly fit the life expected and projected upon them. As the men worry where their next meal will come from, fret about their pregnant wife and the additional mouth that will mean, or how life has treated them so badly. God sees them right there in that moment. My all time favorite name of God in the Bible is: El Roi. The God who sees! How powerful is that. (I would encourage you to read the story of Hagar and see the context of when this name was first used by God).

Each night I lay awake waiting or am awoken by a Roma man who digs through the dumpsters outside my building. He comes about midnight or a bit later. The first few nights I was annoyed at the rummaging sounds happening on the street below, but the more I thought it through and realized what was going on, the more my heart softened. What brokenness must have happened in his life for him to earn his living by trying to sell other people's garbage. And how do you keep your pride in tact in the midst of this sort of life: you go at midnight. So, he's become my Nighttime Buddy. I may never see his face or know his name, but he gets prayed for by me each night. And what immense joy I've found in the fact that I may not know his name, see his heart or even his face, but God does- He's the God who sees! May the Lord save him not just from a life of despair, but may He have mercy on his soul!
As I was walking through the center of my city the other day, a big wind storm hit, and it began to blow hard and sprinkle. I wondered if the wind was going to rip our coats and scarves off! But I walked by a teenage Roma boy that was hunched down on the sidewalk, crouched over a piece of cardboard with some words scribbled out upon it. And I remember wondering what it was that made him decide to spend his day in this manner. Was he crippled? Did he have some disability that prohibited him from helping out in his community? Why wasn't he at least digging through trash to sell things? And other questions ran through my mind. And the wind picked up and took that boys cardboard sign off the ground, along with his few coins, and hurled it into the street amongst the throngs of traffic. The young man leapt to his feet and darted out into the lanes of cars, chasing his sign that was bouncing up and down between the cars. And it was then I realized why he was sitting on the side of the road. Physically he wasn't crippled, but he'd been fed lies his entire life and had become mentally crippled. He was taught that money is earned by sitting on your rear end and begging. How many countless other children become crippled in this same way. But Oh how He longs to save them, and even the crippled-ness and death in their soul!
I could go on and on with stories that I've come across on a day to day basis. But you get the point. God's heart is here! He so longs to call these men, women, and children to Himself. Many may look at the situation and say that He's forgotten them, and yes, maybe it appears as such. But I know better! They are not forgotten!!! They are loved! They are wanted! They are treasured! And you may wonder how I know this and get this out of such a dreadful situation(s). Simple... I am here. He called me here. He called my friends here. He is still calling others here. And what is more- He's stirring your heart to pray for a country, a people, an individual that you've never been to or known. Abandoned or forgotten- NEVER! His heart dwells in their midst...this I believe with every ounce of my being and each breath that I take in.

So, what does this mean for you- sitting on your couch in America (or wherever)? Please pray! More than anything I do or say, prayer comes first and is the foundation, the work, the essence of all that the Lord is doing in this place. I've never believed that more than at this moment! Fill your mind with thoughts of things that aren't just revolving around you. Think upon the Roma people. Picture your life in regards to you earning your entire living by digging in a trashcan or begging on the street. Expand your horizons! Don't get stuck in your comfy comfort zone...

Oh God is doing work here and all around the world in mighty, powerful, amazing ways. We have the chance, no, the privilege to partner, or better yet, be used by the Almighty, Victorious, All-Powerful, Reigning King of the Past, Present, and Future! Let that take your breath away. And when you get your lungs full again...bow your head and exhale it all again in exhalation and petition. He's worthy- of that I promise you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great thoughts and great words about our great God. I'm proud of you, Christina, and I'm praying for you. Larry