
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Perspective on Albania

Joy is found in life not through achieving things, gaining possessions, or being great. Rather, I would say joy comes when your perspective lifts from yourself to God and to others. So, the following photos are from Albania-each is just a point of view- altered or completely natural...that's for you to decide!

Where's your perspective today?

Is it on the trash that's in your life?

How about on the journey you've been walking- mistakes or
grand achievements from the past?

On those in need around you?

On your future- where you're going to go
and how you're going to get there?

The long, dirty road you're on and
the hardships that it contains?

Or is it on the everlasting splendor of our great God and King?


Anonymous said...


Althea said...

thank you, Christina.
You said it sooo well and the photos were perfect =)